Publié le 5 mai 2023 Mis à jour le 6 juillet 2023
le 11 mai 2023
Campus Porte des Alpes
Cette représentation vous est proposée dans le cadre du Festival du Théâtre Universitaire de Lyon !

We have been working a performance that contains a scenic rule for the play space and at the same time addresses the question of proximity in the narrower and broader sense. To do this, we discussed a lot, searched in our common space of experience and worked out scenes together by means of impro, in which we explored the dimensions of closeness. We have in common that we are a group of foreign students, which led us to think about the role of language. In the end, however, it may not play such a big role.

Island things est une lecture performée, présentée par l'atelier des é é de l'IEP de Lyon.
Mise en scène : Hannah Arnim
Jeudi 11 mai, 19h, salle polyvalente MDE, campus PDA
Entrée gratuite, ouvert à tou.tes

Informations pratiques


Campus Porte des Alpes

Salle polyvalente, Maison de l'étudiant.e