Publié le 23 janvier 2023 Mis à jour le 5 avril 2023
du 30 janvier
au 19 avril 2023
Campus Berges du Rhône, En co-modal

Mieux comprendre l'actualité européenne grâce à l'éclairage de confé invité.es lors de conférences-débats programmées dans le cadre du programme international MINERVE et du master Études européennes et internationales, mais ouvertes à tou.tes.

Les European Debates constituent un cycle de conférences en anglais (5 par semestre). Chaque rencontre est animée par les é du master d'Études européennes et internationales et se déroule en deux parties : elle commence par une conférence de l'intervenant.e invité.e présentant une question relative à l’Europe (à son passé, son présent et son futur), suivie d'une discussion avec les
Les conférences débats sont ouvertes à tou.tes en présentiel, mais aussi enregistrées et mises à disposition sur la plateforme de cours (accessible à l'ensemble des é et des personnels). Vous pouvez les suivre dans la forme que vous voulez, mais si vous voulez participer à la discussion, votre présence le jour J est nécessaire.


Au programme du 2d semestre

Dates et lieux et thèmes
January, 30
(room CLIO 036)
Pascale Vogel: Modern slavery
Pascale studied law in France before completing her studies in the UK and qualifying as a solicitor in England in 2005. She first practiced as a project finance solicitor for 12 years in the City of London before switching her practice to immigration law, human rights and public law representing asylum seekers and victims of trafficking. She moved back to France in 2018. She is now lecturing in European Law and International Institutions at UCLy in Lyon.
March, 1st
(room CLIO 006)
Matthew Currie: Brexit: why did UK sanction itself?
Matthew is a second year Master’s student in International Affairs at the Geneva Graduate Institute and works part time for an NGO in international security. Having studied French and Philosophy at undergraduate level in Edinburgh, he speaks French and Italian and is an avowed Europhile. He was 18 when the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, which he sees as the moment that continues to define British politics - and his own life - today.
March, 6
(room CLIO 036) 
Attention Annulée et non reportée
William Ranval: What is the place of nuclear in the European energy mix?
Mr Ranval took his duties as ENISS Director in Brussels on 1st January 2018. ENISS is an association of nuclear installation license holders from 14 European countries which interacts with key stakeholders on safety and regulatory matters, e.g. WENRA, IAEA, the European Commission ( Mr Ranval holds some other positions in international fora, for instance as the EDF member of the European Utilities Requirements Steering Committee. He has built his experience in nuclear safety through diverse management and technical positions within the EDF Group for 30 years, from R&D to industrial applications. This includes experience in China, and also in the UK where he was involved in the EPR Generic Design Assessment, and the Hinkley Point C Nuclear Site License.
Mr Ranval holds a Master degree of Mechanical and Energy Engineering from Arts et Métiers Paris Tech., which was followed by a research position in 1991-1992 in Thermodynamic System Modelling at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the USA.
April, 5th
(room CLIO 006)
Attention Annulée et reportée à une date ultérieure
Niall Bond, What might the term “community” in the European Communities possibly refer to?
With a Ph.D. in politics and German from the Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg, a habilitation from the EHESS and a position as associate researcher at the University of Johannesburg’s department of sociology, Niall Bond lectures in the history of political, social, economic and juridical ideas, translation and interpretation at University Lyon 2. He has published more than 75 works, articles and chapters in six languages and translated works, inter alia Tönnies’ Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft between French, English and German in all directions and worked extensively as a conference interpreter, inter alia Euronews and for the European Central Bank. He was founder of a Jean Monnet module.
April, 19
(room CLIO 006)
Initialement prévue le 22/03
Oissila Saaïdia: The so-called Islamic Headscarf in Muslim and European Societies : History of an Age Old Debate (XIXe-XXIe centuries)
Oissila SAAIDIA is a graduate in Arabic language, culture and civilization. She has a doctorate in Contemporary History and she’s able to direct and supervise PhD students. Currently, she is a Senior PhD Professor in Contemporary History at the University of Lyon 2. For four years, she was the director of a French institute of research in Tunis (IRMC/CNRS) with a regional competence (Tunisia, Algeria and Libya). She also resided in the Middle East for a few years, specifically during her PhD (Egypt, Syria and Lebanon). She’s interested by Religious challenges around the Mediterranean and the relationship between Religions and Politics. Her last book, The so-called Islamic Headscarf in Muslim and European Societies : History of an Age Old Debate (XIXe-XXIe centuries), will be published at the Editions du Cerf by Spring 2023.

Le master Études européennes et internationales

Nouveauté de l'offre de formation, ce master accueille sa première promotion cette année 2022 / 2023. Il se propose de former des é aux enjeux européens au travers d’enseignements diversifiés concernant l’histoire, la géographie, la culture, la politique... accompagnés d’une solide formation en management de projets européens. L’articulation du master repose sur une composition de cours magistraux, de travaux dirigés et de projets tutorés par l’un ou plusieurs composant l’équipe pédagogique.
Le souhait est également de favoriser autant que possible la mise en contact des étudiants avec des enseignants internationaux, proposant des pratiques de formation et des contenus relevant des cultures universitaires différentes au sein de l’UE, de manière à créer un espace d’apprentissage véritablement européen.
Une partie de enseignement est libre, au choix de l’étudiant.e dans l’offre de formation proposée par l’Université Lumière Lyon2 ou par les établissements et institutions partenaires, coordonnée par l’équipe pédagogique.
→ En savoir plus

Informations pratiques


Campus Berges du Rhône, En co-modal

de 18h à 20h


Monica Martinat, responsable pédagogique :