Publié le 12 février 2024 Mis à jour le 18 avril 2024
du 21 février
au 17 mai 2024
18h-20h : Mercredi

Mieux comprendre l'actualité européenne grâce à l'éclairage de conférencières et conférenciers invités lors de conférences-débats programmées dans le cadre du Programme International MINERVE et du master Études européennes et internationales, mais ouvertes à toutes et tous.

Au Programme au 2ème semestre

Dates et lieux Intervenantes, intervenants et thèmes
Mercredi 21 février
Amphi Laprade
Chris Powers - Building bridges while building walls : Media's contribution to a European public sphere

Chris Powers has worked for Euractiv since 2020, first by running the communications team and then as Audience Manager. He oversees the communications channels of Euractiv and leads on data collection and analysis, to bring a more empirical approach to getting readers the European policy news they want and need. Prior to joining Euractiv he worked in communications roles in the healthcare and education sectors, and campaigned for a more united and integrated Europe. He holds an MA in European Studies (College of Europe) and a BA in History (University of Cambridge).

Mercredi 3 avril
Amphi Laprade
Paolo Silvestri (Università degli Studi di Catania, Sicile) - Bloody Money : Paying Donors for Plasma ?

A ‘bloody battle’ between two opposing camps is raging in Europe: Blood Donation versus Blood Market. Metaphors aside, European policy makers are facing the first blood legislation review process in 20 years, and on the table for discussion are several political, legal, economic and moral issues, including EU’s dependency on plasma imports from the US, and whether it is legally and morally wrong to give plasma for money, especially since several European countries already allow it.

In this lecture I will show how some of the problems and dilemmas raised by such European legislation review can be elucidated by critically rereading the never-ending debate sparked by Richard M. Titmuss’ celebrated book The Gift Relationship. From Human Blood to Social Policy (1970). Not by chance it is conventionally regarded as the work that paved the way for the contemporary moral limits of markets debate (MLMD). However, the way paved by this book is littered with conceptual ‘landmines’, that is, unresolved ambiguities that still plague some of the main arguments of the MLMD as well as the European debate over giving plasma for money, such as the so called ‘corruption’, ‘commodification’, ‘exploitation’ arguments, and the always problematic relationship between gift and exchange. Knowing where such mines are, and whether and how dangerous they are, is important for current European law reform, if only to avoid taking the wrong ways.

Vendredi 3 mai

Amphi Say

About the European Election

We're going to devote time to discussion and debate around the European elections.

Célia Belin and Linda Hanxhari (European Council on Foreign Relations-ECFR) will present the results of a survey on youth and the future of the EU and debate with the audience.

Students from the European and International Studies Master's program will be organizing polls and games on the subject.

Refreshments will be provided for participants.
Vendredi 17 mai


Mobilities and Migrations : the final debate
Students will follow the final debate prepared by the participants of the Blended Intensive Program dedicated to this topic.

Informations pratiques


en présentiel - Campus Berges du Rhône
en visio - en direct LIVE sur Ubicast  ( et en replay enregistré sur MOODLE